Monday, October 18, 2010

2and session/meditation on habituation/study of yamas and niyamas

Reiminder to all you coming in for a secord round and for those of you doing this meditation for the first time. We meet in just another week and a half.
Thursday Oct. 28th 630-8pm at my house. 2524 Vine Place 80304.
Plse be prepared to over over a bit on our first meeting:) I want to be sure to get everything in.
Sat Nam, Trista
bring a note book and pen


  1. Hi Trista- I would like to join next Thursday. Not quite sure of the registration, but please count me in and let me know.
    Kristin Quigley

  2. Sat Nam Kristin, somehow this slide by me sorry.
    I have you in (your the last one as the class is full).
    we meet at my house 2524 vine place (next to kerry's) this thursday 28th 615-8pm. we can take care of payment then.
    Sat Nam, Trista
