Thursday, March 24, 2011

one year meditators

The meditation we practiced today was the Adi Shakti Meditation with the Adi Shakti Mantra.
The Artist was GuruGanesha Singh and the name of the cd was Pure Ganesh.
So wonderful to be with all of you this evening.
Peace and Love with Asteya this month!

white tantric tea and more


Renewal and rebirth, it is the time of regeneration of nature and the renewal of the spirit.
Organs being stimulated: Liver and gallbladder.
Asana poses to practice: Do lots of salutations as each day grows longer you can pay homage to the Sun. Great time to add new poses to your practice and TWIST TWIST TWIST---as your body is already detoxifying a lot this season.

During the spring your body loves the following foods.
1. All dark green veggies.
2. Beets---great for liver and digestion.
3. Mangos---great for the liver.
4. Watermelon---cleanses liver and intestines, gives energy, relief of intestinal gas when served with black pepper.

White Tantric Tea

Approx 3 ½ quarts of water
Approx. a fist size amount of grated or chopped ginger---wash the skin of the ginger first.

Add the ginger to the water and bring water to a boil. Once the water has boiled, bring the water to a simmer for at least 20 minutes---it’s ok to simmer longer just keep an eye on the water level.
You can let it sit on the stove for hours after the heat is turned off.
Drain the ginger from the water and add honey to taste and the juice of 4-5 lemons.
Store it in the fridge for up to 2 weeks. You can drink hot or cold.

Ginger has been used since before the days of Rome. King Henry VIII recommended it as prevention against the plague. A medicine as well as a spice, today it is widely used as a digestive stimulant. Ginger is especially helpful to woman, providing energy and relieving tensions associated with menstrual cramps. Ginger root nourishes the nerves of the body and allows them to carry more energy. It keeps the spine and cerebrospinal fluid healthy.

May you plant the seeds of health, prosperity, and peace this spring!!!

Sat Nam,
Trista Hollerbach, M.A., C.A.C.III, D.B.C.C.S.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

40 day meditation and study of yamas and niyamas

Sat Nam,
I have opened enrollment for the next 40 day meditation class.
First session: April 6 2011
Last session: May 11 2011
Meeting: Wednesday's 6-730pm
Cost: $265.00
Please pass this on to anyone you know that might be interested in this meditaion class and study of the yamas and niyamas.
I will be limiting the size of this class unlike the previous classes. This will be the last time I offer this meditation until the fall.
Sat Nam, Trista